SU Carburettor HIF 44, HIF 38, H6, HS6 Phenolic Spacer Unit with Gaskets - 610849, 112867.
7mm Thick. 1.3/4" Aperture. Helps to prevent fuel vaporisation from today's modern fuels.
If using a Mini Spares or other inlet manifold on a Classic Mini, you will require 2 of phenolic spacers. This allows the clearance for the throttle linkage to fully open or it will hit on the inlet manifold and not fully open.
Vehicle/s: Classic Mini, MG, MGB, Triumph, Any inlet manifold using HIF 38 or 44 Carbs, additionally HS6.
Part Number/s: 610849, 112867.
Quantity Supplied: 1 Spacing Gasket Unit, 2 Gaskets.